Meeting the requirements of EN 1090 and BS EN 50504:2008
The SMP Calibrator is designed to provide a simple all in one package, specifically for the Calibration and Validation of Arc welding power sources and their ancillary equipment Complying with BS EN 50504 : 2008 and meeting the requirements of ISO 9000 based quality systems and EN 1090.
It comprises a load cell giving the ability to apply resistive loads from 1 amp to 600 amps at a resolution of 1 amp for current and up to 100 volts with a resolution of 0.1 volt for Voltage for both AC and DC welding power sources. Its 7 fixed loads of various ranges and 1 electronic variable load to enable stepless loading within this range. We utilise a resistive load as this ensures stability of readings, which can not be achieved with a “Live arc” method.
The optional wire feed tachometer unit enables readings of wire speed to be measured up to 50 meters per minute at a resolution of 0.1 metre thereby enabling the calibration of wire feed units that are fitted with meters.
The digital displays are calibrated by ourselves using Fluke test equipment in turn calibrated by a UKAS registered test house meeting the requirements of the standards above.
The SMP Calibrator is supplied with cables and adaptors that will fit most welding power sources in the field and two power leads that enable the unit to be run from either 110 volts or 230 volt supplies.
The Electronic Documentation Software is designed to simplify the recording of parameters and deals with all the necessary calculations involved in carrying out a Calibration or Validation. It runs on a Laptop computer with Microsoft Access data base programme and involves the engineer carrying out the job to input the various readings of voltage and current as required and then can print out the report and certificate on completion of the job. This in effect saves a considerable amount of time that would otherwise be involved in various calculations and writing up the report and Calibration Certificate by hand.
We have been manufacturing arc welding calibration equipment since 1992, being the “Sterling Validator” between 1992 and 2000 and the new model “SMP Calibrator” from 2000 to date. We have sold in excess of 500 units and it is fair to say that they have become the industry standard for Calibration and validation of arc welding equipment. To the best of our knowledge, no one else in the world produces an all in one system of this type.
Amongst the companies we have supplied to are : Speedy Hire, Rolls Royce, the Atomic Energy Authority at Aldermaston, Chubb safe, British steel (as it was) British Rail Engineering, Amec Construction, A Plant, HSS hire Division and the Welding Institute.
Many of the larger fabrication company’s nationally and most of the larger welding distributors in the UK use them to Calibrate their own or their clients machines in the field. In addition to this we have also supplied the units to the following Welding Equipment manufacturers who use them in house to calibrate their own products. Miller, Lincoln Electric, Migatronic, Esab, Saf and Butters.
We hope this gives a feel for the background and usage of the SMP Calibrator.